Challenges with your hips from an ‘old injury’? Try resetting them!

Challenges with your hips from an 'old injury'? Try resetting them!

Tweaked your low back before? Feel like things just aren't quite right with your low back or hips? Maybe you need a reset! ☑️ Your pelvis is the foundation of your spine. Like your house, if your foundation is off, it can affect every level above it! 🏠 If your pelvis is shifted out of…

Low back stiffness, tension or tenderness? Check this out!

Almonte chiropractic care

Dealing with low back stiffness? Tension? Tenderness? Check this out! 🔎 Low back stiffness usually leads to loss of mobility - and thats when injuries can start to surface. 💥 One way to address this is to tape 2 lacrosse balls together so that they look like a barbell. 🏋️‍♀️ While laying on this 'tool':…

Here is a trick for unrelenting low back tension!

Here is a trick for unrelenting low back tension!

Do you have low back tension that doesn't seem to be going away? This could do the trick! 👀 Low back muscle strains are super common for many different reasons like: ✅ Improper lifting ✅ Poor posture ✅ Slips or falls ✅ Accidents etc. While low back tension isn't fun on its own, it can…

Are you noticing tension or tenderness around your knees? Tight thighs/quadriceps? Try this trick!

Here is a trick for unrelenting low back tension!

Thigh/quadricep issues - especially around your knees? Typical stretches not cutting it? Here is a 'fun' trick! 😜🤥 Your quadricep muscles are big strong muscles responsible for flexing your hip and extending your knee (think stairs, kicking a ball etc.). ⚽️⛹️‍♀️⛷🚴‍♀️ Because we tend to sit a lot, followed by 'weekend warrior' activities, these muscles…

Dealing with low back pain? Knee pain? Tight thighs/quadriceps? This could help!

Are you suffering from low back pain? What about knee pain? Tight thighs or quadriceps? This could help! Your quadricep muscles are in the front of your thigh and some parts run from the front of your hips down to your knees. 👍 As a result, if they are too tight or knotted up, they…

Tennis elbow, golfers elbow or weak hands? Try this!

Here is a trick for unrelenting low back tension!

Do you suffer from Tennis Elbow or Golfer's Elbow? Do you find your hands are getting weaker or that your forearms are super tight? Try this! 💪 If you find yourself doing a lot of repetitive movements with your hands like typing, carrying your kids, washing dishes or prepping food, you may notice these muscles…

Sore wrists? Carpal tunnel? Repetitive strain in your wrists? This could help!

Here is a trick for unrelenting low back tension!

Do you suffer from sore wrists? Carpal tunnel? Repetitive strain in your hands and wrists? This could help! ☹️ If you spend a lot of time time at the computer, carrying your children, shovelling snow or doing a lot of repetitive movements with your arms it could be causing your wrists to get angry at…

Pain and stiffness in your mid-upper back? This could help!

Here is a trick for unrelenting low back tension!

Do you experience mid back pain from bad posture? Does your upper back get stiff and tight throughout the week? Check this out! Building on last weeks video, there are some extra moves you can do on the foam roller to loosen up and help get rid of mid-upper back tension and pain. Remember: 1️⃣ arch/extend…

Here’s a great way to target mid-upper back tension!

Here is a trick for unrelenting low back tension!

We all experience mid-upper back tension at some point - here is a way to get rid of it! 🚫 Postural strain throughout the day can really lock this area up, making it feel tense and sore. 😖 Working on it regularly, especially at the end of the day can make a huge difference. 👩‍🔧…

Loosen up your upper back with this strategy!

Here is a trick for unrelenting low back tension!

Stress causing your upper back muscles to wrench super tight? This may help! 🔧 Often practice members tell me that they notice their upper back (upper trapezius) muscles getting tight when stressed or during long work hours at the computer. 👩‍💻 To get these muscles to relax and reset, esp. at the end of the…